I found this location on a walk along the South Downs near Beachy Head in the UK this summer, and thought it would be a perfect place for a portrait. Fast forward through a few weeks of intensive knitting by Nina Dodd, and I was looking for the right person to photograph here.
I spotted Lo in the street in Brighton. She had just finished her degree and was moving back to Brazil that week. I’d originally thought of this as a sunny picture, but the time pressure meant that I had to shoot it on a dull day. In the end I prefer it this way with the soft dusk light.
Al Jazeera were making a feature about the Knitted Camouflage project and spent a couple of windy hours on the cliff-top, filming us as we shot.
Thanks to Nina, Andras and of course Lo, for agreeing to pose for a stranger who ran after you in the street.
Click here for more images from the Knitted Camouflage project.