TBWA Corporate have commissioned us to produce another stills and motion project for BNP Paribas. This was a campaign for worldwide recruitment to the bank's various sectors, and again, we shot on location and in studio in and around Paris, including both people and still life photography.
The still images are being used primarily as print ads but also as posters in the retail banks, and online, so we shot with a high end Hasselblad digital back to ensure the highest possible quality, allowing for cropping into the wide variety of formats required by the client. We also created cinemagraphs and GIFs for use as online banners and on social media channels, and short internet films. All of the video was shot in 4K, again to enable flexibility to resize and crop for the various different formats required.
A couple of the images we produced are below.

BNP Paribas nous a sélectionné pour shooter une nouvelle campagne de recrutement mondial. Nous avons produit des GIFs, des cinemagraphs, des photos ainsi que des films internet, le tout produit à Paris en studio et en extérieur.
Avec l'appui d'Anne-Sophie Laucher, notre productrice, nous avons réuni oiseaux, modelmakings, des monuments architecturaux du monde entier et quelques milliers de Post-It pour produire cette campagne.
Achat d'art : Dorothée Dauger
Retouches : Sparklink
Post-production film : SWAO
Casting : Sophy Mirti
Stylisme : Sébastien Goepfert
Maquillage & coiffure : Julie Camus
Modelmaking : Alain Roussel
Créatifs : Hélène Level, Pierre-André Cuny, Lise De Bettignies, Julien Delarasse